
Iran Mineral Processing Research Center has schedualed its strategic Evolution and development plan for a six-year period from 2019 to 2025 in an integrated manner along with the strategic plan of the Organization for Development and Renovation of Mines and Mining Industries of Iran (Imidro).

The main goals of the center are as follows:

  • Acquiring the ability to turn demand-driven research ideas into technical and economic technologies and turn it into a sustainable competitive technological advantage of the center in the processing industry and producing products at the national and international levels;
  • Achieving a share of revenue from commercialization of applied research and technology development results by at least 60% the center's revenue until 2025.
  • Earnings and continuous increase in the share of revenues from offering specialized and advanced services to foreign customers
Email your written request to this address for specialized and laboratory services
Postal code: 3365166534
Phone: 026-34762273-76
Fax: 026-34762272

Iran Mineral Processing Research Center ,Kavosh Research Town, 60 km west of Tehran, n the Karaj-Qazvin freeway

Address of the sample admission office of Iran Mineral Processing Research Center: